Consultant specialized in vehicle safety and related areas.
Research in vehicle safety
Together with our partners we can perform research activities, set-up project proposals, analyze crash tests, manage international projects etc.
Training in vehicle safety
Single or multiple day in-house courses. Both introductory and advanced courses tailored to the specific needs of the client can be offered. Examples of courses: introduction in vehicle safety and injury biomechanics, crash dummies, human body models for crash, road safety in developing countries etc..
Accident investigations
Analysis of the dynamics and causes of accidents, accident reconstructions both by computer crash simulations (PC CRASH and MADYMO) and or by crash experiments, analysis of the effect of the usage of restraint systems, whiplash injury causation, etc.
Strategy consultancy
In the field of vehicle safety innovations. In discussion with your R&D management we can review your strategic innovation programs and technology roadmaps, discuss international R&D developments, help you in establishing partnerships with universities etc.