Adviesbureau op het gebied van voertuigveiligheid en ongevalsanalyse
Injury Biomechanics Course
Global Road Safety
- Implications of Road Safety in National Productivity and Human Development in Asia, Eighth Regional EST Forum Colombo, November 2014
- Road safety implications and opportunities for regions under increasing motorization, RS5C conference, Rio de Janeiro, May 2016
- Economics of Road Safety – What does it imply under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development? 10th EST Forum, Lao, March 2017
- Global Road Traffic Safety scenarios - A state of the art review of global policy targets and strategies, SAFER-Volvo Report, Feb. 2019
Health and Environmental impact of Road Transport
Neck injuries and neck modelling
- Omni-Directional Human Head-Neck response, Stapp Car Crash Conference, 1986
- Comparison of Human Volunteer and Cadaver Head-Neck Response in Frontal Flexion, Stapp Conference, 1987
- A three-dimensional head-neck model: Validation for frontal and lateral impacts, Stapp Car Crash Conference, 1994
- The influence of muscle activity on head-neck response during impact, Stapp Car Crash Conference, 1997
- Whole body kinematics using post mortem human subjects in experimental rear impact, IRCOBI Conference, 2000
- Development and evaluation of a new rear-impact crash dummy: the RID2, Stapp Car Crash Conference, 2001
- Whiplash-PIV bulletin 2015
Crash Testing and mathematical modelling
- Child Restraint Evaluation by Experiemental and Mathematical Simulation, Stapp Conference, 1979
- A three-dimensional mathematical model of the human knee-joint, J. Biomechanics, 1980
- Evaluation of the experimental reconstruction of a real frontal collision with a mathematical model, IRCOBI Conference,1980
- MADYMO 3D Simulations of Hybrid III Dummy Sled Tests, SAE paper, 1988
- Status of the MADYMO simulation package 1985, ESV conference, 1985
- MADYMO Pedestrian simulations, SAE paper, 1983
- Airbag Modelling Techniques, Stapp Car Crash Conference, 1990
- An advanced database of the 50th percentile Hybrid III dummy, SAE paper, 1991
- Advances in MADYMO crash simulations, SAE paper, 1991
- Motorcycle crash test modelling, Stapp Car Crash Conference, 1993
- Computational Human Body models, IUTAM symposium on Impact Biomechanics, 2005
- A mathematical human body model for frontal and rearward seated automotive impact loading, Stapp Car Crash Conference, 1998
Other publications:
For a general overview of publications see: